Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fall Creek Trail Repaving Complete

re-aligned and repaved section of Fall Creek Trail
re-aligned and repaved section of
Fall Creek Trail
It took a couple of months, but the re-alignment and repaving of the eastern section of the Fall Creek Trail is finally complete (well, except for about 450 feet of top coat at the western end). Yes, fellow cyclists, you can now make the six-mile trip from the walk-through gate at Fort Harrison State Park to 38th Street with exactly one street crossing at the very beginning (Boy Scout Road).

Edco Construction stripped out the narrow, lumpy pavement along the length of the trail from Fall Creek Parkway and  Kessler to the parking area at Binford before laying all-new asphalt. It's wide and smooth now, a welcome change from the pavement that was in such poor condition that cyclists took to Fall Creek Parkway (where the pavement is in no better condition, come to think of it).